Thursday, November 5, 2009

The idea is action.

The idea is not the idea. The idea is not the content of the idea, or its validity. The idea is not about the idea. The idea is about taking action. But you wont act if you dont feel inspired, or trust that your idea is from the Universe and can be acted on. But even knowing you have permission is not enough. What hinders action? It is a redefinition of procrastination, a variation, perhaps. Or an entirely 'new' idea. Anyway- fear. Fear that the action is wrong instead of Divinely inspired + meant to happen to help us in our evolution. Fear that energy spent executing our ideas in the form of work will return void, with no pay. Fear of not getting paid, or not being able to use the money how you want. Fear of $ is why we withhold love. The service and attention we can give does not have to happen in the marketplace with money being the only return. Also, our return may come from somewhere else than where we put our energy out to (job, for example). Return comes in many forms such as needs being met without the use of money. $ is merely a tool to meet the needs , such as food, shelter, capital to finance the giving ( gas $ to get to gigs and pay for merchandise manufacturing), clothing, etc.

The goal is to detatch from identifying the feeling good + satisfaction, from aquisition of material forms. $ gets things but you cant buy love. And love being a state of being of giving whereby the giver is constantly receiving cuz law of energy circulation + vacuum law of prosperity. So, it is not aboutworking hard, yes, action, but from love, not out of fear or duty. Being compelled (by priests + politicians, for example) from the external can only force a man to work so hard (slaves have no profit motive). Whereas if you love yourself first, instead of others, such as the priests (who say love others before yourself) and politicians (who say serve god and country), then from that point one has more power. Thus love (or passion for your product) can be a greater force of effect in the market. But that is a byproduct and result of love and happiness. People have it backwards- thinking they will be happy after they get the money. Thats the problem- thats the love of money thats the root of all evil. Depending on a material form (paper representing debt) to be the only way to get what you need and want. And looking outside yourself for happiness. Look within, to the source of money. You are the cause, money is an effect. The leaders (who understand ego, or are slaves to it, consciously or not) print the money to get the people to depend on them as a third party in the transaction. At that point, the gov't gets its cut. But people want $. Its easy cuz you dont need love to get your physical needs met.

Get silent, get enlightened. See you have the power in yourself to attract from the universe whatever you want or need by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled. You are eternal. Everything is here now. We are all one big hologram. All the parts (people, money, etc.) are in all the parts. Like the Jeweled Net of Indra, each piece reflects the whole. Therefore, money is inside you. To manifest it, know it in your heart. The chakras in the feeling centers of your body create vibrations that communicate with the universe and resonate with similar frequencies. Feel the money. See it in your minds eye, feel it in your gut, build your faith. Just visualize it, dont intellectualize it. Be able to focus. Train your inner eye to see the picture of the life you want to live. Do this mental exersize for 20 minutes a day and you will soon be mentally strong, The more you see yourself how you want to be and get into the feeling of that reality fulfilled, the sooner that realtiy will mainifest. What you think about, you bring about. Time travel til it becomes a reality. Control your thoughts, but first by meditating which is letting go of thoughts. When you let go you are in control. (Also, remember, you are not your thoughts.) When you are in control, you are not dependent. This would put priests and politicians out of business cuz love would get everybodies needs met. We wouldnt need money.

Although really $ is just an outer reflection of inner value. Thats why love yourself first. Then you can give more. Your battery will be recharged. Then you have power to give. But the giving isn't to get cuz we are complete now. So we cant be controlled cuz we are content + detatched. Those who demand ego-leaders, like priests and politicians, create their position. The supply is the result of the masses fear creating demand. People ask. People answer. Everyone has a role in this evolution. The priests and politicians arent trying to control (here I disagree with OSHO). They merely tell the people what they want to hear and thats not necessarily a lie. The leaders feed the peoples ego. The working class has an insatiable need for security based on externals (job, house, family, car, insurance, retirement, etc.). It seems the whole economy functions by weak people paying strong people to make them feel good. Thats why its better to give than receive. I wanna be on top, because I love myself. And from this position I can give more. And the only reason thats the goal is cuz it simply feels good. Giving $ feels better than getting $ when you know there is plenty out there. The greater the inner void you create by pushing out energy (thru love and attention, commonly called work or a job(s)), the greater the door opens for more $ or whatever to come back. But the idea is circulation. To live life.

Declutter. Hoarding is a physical manifestation of not letting go (literally). Cuz of fear of not being able to receive in return, or being able to get what youll need tommorrow. Let it go today. Know you can get more tommorrow, if you need it then. Someone might say, "But the rent is due tommorrow, so I cant spend that today!" Im not talking about that. Im talking about cleaning the garage- old books, clothes, papers, equiptment, furniture, pretty much anything that represents scarcity mindset and doesnt inspire or represent a prosperity consciousness. It is better to have nothing than junk- then you can have fine possessions. But you gotta let go of the old before the new will come.

Sure, y'know- blog, perform, teach, sing, sell merch, but not as a to-do list but an inspired action that comes after getting centered and conscious and aware and calm and fueled up THEN follow your inner guide. Whatever you are inspired to do. Period. Forget the business plans. Forget the budgets. Its your life. Forget what other people tell you to do. Forget trying to convince others what you are doing. Forget what you've told yourself to do. You can change. Dont stay the course. Break the contract, pay the price, fine, but your life is more important than your word, or something on paper, or the piece of paper itself (like money). Dont let the past tell you what to do today. Freedom demands a break.

Because of love, I can share my writing. cuz I trust myself. I trust the ideas are from the universe which I am a part of, and you, too. Therefore, it is Divinely inspired and maybe its not my duty but it feels good to give, so here you go. But to give continually, focus not on the how or what but the YES. Yes, I love me and I love you. Here is a part of my love I want to give to you. Or, how can I serve you? How can I attend, give attention, transfer energy, give you comfort and security? The YES preceeds the HOW. And the action results from trusting the inner promptings, that small quiet voice within that only you can hear and the only one you should listen to. Put the priests and politicians out of business by minding your own business. Dont look to them for the answers. Trust yourselves. They dont want to serve and protect you. They just want peace and security and a good meal like anyone else. Let em go. We are evolving. 2012 is the dawn of a new consciousness of oneness. Because we are all one, take responsibilty for yourself. You can create value. You dont need an employer, social security, benifits, insurande, health care, legal system, or anything cuz you are complete now. You have everything within. Remember, being a hologram, which we are, has the whole universe in each person. The truth is within you. Listen to yourself. Take inspired action, knowing your inner promptings can be trusted. There is no devil on your shoulder. There is ONE power. Cut off the head and we still have leadership- from within. Lead yourself. Thats why the truth is a mystery and often a secret. The enlightened are not prostelyzing. They dont throw pearls to the swine. Each is on his own path of evolution. The enlightened trusts his and he trusts yours.

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