Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Joseph Murphy holoquotes

In reading a piece titled, 'How To Attract Money,' I found some analogies that I think point out metaphysical truths. The essence of all these quotes to follow is that the external world is a hologram of the real object which is our thoughts. The true reality is within. Our physical experiences (hologram) are the result of our inner ideas and feelings (original object).

"Feed the poor within you, clothe the naked ideas, and give them form by believing in the reality of the idea, trusting the great Fabricator within to clothe it in form and objectify it. Now your word (idea-original object) shall become flesh (take form-hologram).

"Water in the Bible usually refers to your mind or consciousness. Water takes the shape of any vessel into which it is poured; likewise whatever you feel and believe as true will become manifest in your world; thus you are always changing water into wine (making holograms)."

"...your external world, body, circumstances, environment, and financial status (holograms) are always a perfect reflection of your inner thinking, beliefs, feelings and convictions (original object)."

"Your internal, mental movements and imagery (original object) govern, control, and direct the external plane (hologram) in your life."

"Whatever is impregnated in our subconscious mind (original object) is always objectified on the screen of space (hologram)."

"These images, when sustained regularly, systematically, and with faith in the developing powers of the deeper mind, will come out of the darkness (subconscious mind-original object) into light (objectified on the screen of space- as a hologram)."

"...the image you give attention to will be developed..."

So, the original object (our thoughts) is shined upon with laser light and exposes the film, the resulting image is a hologram (our reality).

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