Thursday, December 17, 2009

In Change We Trust

I was reading Spiritual Marketing by Joe Vitael. He talks about getting into the feeling of your wish already fulfilled, getting clear, letting go, trusting, and giving thanks. And then he quoted Bob Proctor- 'Everything that happens in my life is moving me in the direction of my goals.' Therefore, if I get what I wanted, good, if not, good- because then I didn't need it. Trust the flow- like the 8th verse of Tao Te Ching says we are like water. Also, reading A Course In Miracles and it talked about allowing change, which the ego fears, but like water, without flow/circulation we stagnate. So, if change is natural, like the movement of water, allow it. In fact, we can choose the path our lives will take by not forcing it (paradoxically). Rather, simply state your intention and let the world arrange itself to bring your goals to you. This is the art of detachment. Being emotionally centered from within instead of reacting to every external. Be grateful for everything because it all works for the good of those who believe (not 'in Jesus' but believe in the fact that the Universe is evolving and working everything out for the good).

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