Thursday, December 17, 2009

Life Force

There is a life force beyond me and yet I am the life force. I wasn't born into this world, I was born from and of this world- therefore, I am ONE with it- connected. I am more than this/my body. I am the whole Universe. Holography says that the part contains the whole. Therefore, everything is here now. The universal energy/life force is a law.
I die if my heart stops beating, yet do I choose to beat my heart? Well, science calls it an involuntary muscle. Therefore, I allow it to beat. This means money, too, being a form in the external world, can flow if I allow it. Everything is mine. I accept + receive all the money I need to pay what the universe wants me to circulate (bills, etc.). I allow the universe to tell me how. My choice is just to say yes and be in a state of vibration that is congruent with abundance. This state is attained by getting into the feeling of being rich. This will attract opportunities to manifest a demonstration of this state. If I take inspired action by trusting my intuitive impulses (which is contrary to some church teaching that we should doubt ourselves because of the notion of original sin-nature). I am Divine. I am the Kingdom of God. Everything is ONE. Think of yourself as skinless and not separate. Think of yourself as breathing the same air as everyone and sharing the same energy that everything is made of. You have equal access to everything. Know you are one and connected then decide what you want, ask, then detach, then allow, then be in a state of gratitude, existing in a state of being that feels the reality of the wish fulfilled. Focus on the abundance to attract it. Feel one with it. See yourself in possession of it. Then it will come. It has to, by law (of attraction). If you think about football, chances are you will get a football. Same with baseball, same with money. But manifesting the balls or the money is result of mind. The object is an effect (a hologram). The mind caused it. The Universe will deliver whatsoever you ask + believe. The belief is a result of choosing to dwell on your divinity and the fact that God created you to be a physical expression of beauty; which comes thru when you allow the life-force to flow. The 'trick' is to remove obstacles of ego, rather than to get more, or make more, or try harder. The ego makes us feel separate. When we feel connected, things flow. Meditation gets you into the infinite flow.
Let go of that which doesn't represent beauty or truth. Are you poor? Let go of that identity. See yourself as a deserving Child of God- perfect as you are, now. Sit up strait, breathe deep, let go of thoughts, see the light, trust that everything comes in due time, this or something better, and everything that happens is moving you in the direction of your goals. If everything has this outcome, then decide to have a goal to be rich! The miracle is the shift in mind, the manifestation is just a physical demonstration of an inner condition. The fruits of the spirit (peace, joy, etc.) come from within. This state of harmonious being (real object) will be reflected in your outer world (hologram).
Thank you.

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