Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Resolution

My new goal is $500+/day internet income. Ask + ye shall receive. It's a #'s game. Ask one person, probably won't get $500/day. Ask 10 people, maybe, but ask 100, or 1000, or 10,000 and chances improve greatly. And again, metaphysically speaking, it's more important (first step, anyway) is to feel the manifestation of it. This requires concentrated focus and mental discipline and feelings of deservedness. Visualize with feeling. Feel rich first, then rich actions will follow suit. As within, so without. Too many people focus on the how without saying YES first. The how will reveal itself when you get into the vibration of allowing money. If you have an internal block or poverty consciousness, even if you figure out how to be rich, you will self-sabotage. Also, you can't control what the Universe gives you (money), but you can control what you put out (energy/work/love/attention). Therefore, focus on giving. Give and it shall be given unto you.

Be grateful for the blessings you have now. The grateful vibration attracts more blessings. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy and a state of being. No matter where you are today with your feelings or finances, you can choose to change. The mere internal decision is all you need to focus on now. Meditate, be grateful, visualize (get into the feeling of the wish fulfilled), exercise, do affirmations in the mirror (say I love you). Trust the flow of the universe. Everything works out for the good. Trust yourself! Take inspired action, after you do these disciplines, from a centered state of being. Action taken from imbalanced position (fear) demonstrates a life of non-mastery. You can be rich but live in fear. Or you can be rich and live in peace. But rich or not (broke temporarily on the physical plane), if you have peace and joy- isn't that the essence of why you wanted $ in the first place? Accept your divine nature. Know that you are the Kingdom of God.

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